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Meet the Wombs of the World Team

Team Work Makes the Dream Work

We are a collective of humans all cut from the same cloth, deeply passionate about birthwork, cultural immersion, and wanting to provide you with the experience of a lifetime. 


Charlotte Brielle Wombs of the World.heic

Hey, I am happy you are here. 

I am Charlotte Brielle (she/her),  I am the co-founder and director of Wombs of the World. This work is my heart's passion. 

I started by journey as a birthworker in 2017. Since then, I pursued a Master's in Social Work, specializing in Perinatal Health. I served my community in Colorado as a full-spectrum doula and the perinatal social worker at our local hospital.

In 2023 I moved back to my childhood home, Paris, France. 

I love my work, and I love connecting with other birthworkers from around the world. These trips have shaped my practice as a birthworker, which is in big thanks to the incredible women who have traveled with us. 

I am always open to feedback as to how to make Wombs of the World more accessible and equitable for all, with the most mindful approach to travel and cultural immersion. 


My Personal Mission Statement:


I firmly believe that by supporting, empowering, educating, connecting, and uplifting birthworkers, we are nurturing the guardians of maternal health. We are cultivating the caretakers who will lovingly support mothers in their journeys. Mothers are the pulsing heart of every family and the pillars of our communities. By standing with mothers, we enhance the wellbeing of entire family ecosystems. It's like tending to a garden; the care we provide to these nurturers ensures the flourishing of life around them.

Jenny Ingram 

Jenny is our Administrative Doula!  She hails from Litteton, CO and has a background as a Surgical Tech.  She migrated from the OR to the office and is headed to school for Accounting.  Above all, she is a Momma of two toddler aged littles and uses her spare time (ha!) to knit and cross-stitch.  She brings her left-brained side to keep us organized and we are so grateful to have her!

Jenny Ingram.jpg

Meet Your Trip Facilitators


Interested in Joining the Team?
We are always welcoming volunteers to help bring the mission and vision to life. 

We are always looking for brilliant minds and giving hearts to join our team. We are growing quickly and need help to accomplish all the things we strive to do.


We invite you to apply to join our Council of Crones. You do not need to be a "crone" to join, just come to the table with wisdom and experience. This is basically our advisory board!  


Thank you for your interest.

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